Tuesday, April 8, 2014

She's Always a Woman to Me

This song resonates with how I feel about my ex girlfriend. She isn't guilty of all of these things of course, but her heart is strong and I feel like it was something to be both respected and careful with. But in the end she was a wonderful woman. I pray to have the strength and confidence to have someone as wonderful, but we must get along lol.

When you meet a quality woman, never ever put her in a position to question you. I have no problems being faithful to a wonderful lady, but I made her believe that I was looking at others. My head is still spinning from allowing that to happen. Never before had my faith in a relationship ever been put to question. I made so many silly mistakes and I hope I never meet a girl under the conditions which I met her in.

Ah blogger, as insane as I sound, it feels great that I can speak freely here about how I feel with reckless abandon. As a man it is difficult to open up to others for too long about your own personal thoughts, people do get fed up, even family.

Nothing but growth is up ahead though, and I will find the strength to push forward and eventually meet the woman for me. One with beautiful eyes and a heart warming smile for me.

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